Winner 2024
KI Start-Up Bootcamp Sieger 2024

Catch begeistert mit neuem Konzept
Das erste KI Bootcamp des Marketing Tech Labs gewinnt Catch!
Mit einem innovativen Konzept für personalisierte Einkaufserlebnisse in physischen Stores überzeugt das Start-up beim Marketing Tech Summit 2024. Die Lösung, ein “anonymer Offline-Cookie”, ermöglicht es, auch die Offline-Kauferfahrung zu personalisieren und setzt damit neue Maßstäbe im Einzelhandel.

Die AI Start-Up Bootcamp 2024 Summary ist da!
Laden Sie sich die englische Summary des AI Start-Up Bootcamp 2024 herunter. Auf 25 Seiten werden die sechs shortlisted Start-Ups vorgestellt und weitere Einblicke in das AI Universum gegeben.
Summary Download
AI Start-Up Bootcamp 2024 Summary
Laden Sie hier die Summary herunter.

KI Start-up Bootcamp
The award
for start-ups
For the first time, we will be evaluating and honouring AI start-ups and their submitted cases together with a renowned jury as part of the Marketing Tech Summit 2024.

We invite innovative start-ups in the field of AI for marketing, sales or service to submit their pilot customer cases. The aim is to provide inspiration and impulses among the overwhelming number of tools and the challenges of using AI at the Marketing Tech Summit.

For our KI Start-up Bootcamp, we have put together a top-class jury to evaluate the submitted cases (8 to 10 pages). We are focussing on start-ups that are no more than 8 years old and have at least one pilot customer.

The jury will select its top 3 start-ups from all the applications. The finalists will present their cases at the Marketing Tech Summit in Berlin on 9 October 2024 - in front of around 400 CMOs and marketing executives. Each finalist team will also receive 2 free tickets to the summit, a trophy and an official seal for further use.
Our Jury
The best
in MarTech & AI
Together with our top-class jury, we evaluate all submitted pilot cases according to a two-stage selection and evaluation process.

Free participation in the application process
Participation in the Prospecter Ventures KI Start-up Bootcamp is completely free of charge. Each finalist start-up will receive a free ticket for the Marketing Tech Summit 2024. In addition, MarketingTechLab GmbH, as the organiser of the bootcamp, will donate to the adhoc initiative #WeAreAllUkrainians for the #BringBackTheKids project for every submission.

Big stage, media presence & reach
Participating start-ups will have the chance to present their ideas to top decision-makers in a separate plenary session. Around 400 CMOs, marketing decision-makers and experts will be present as participants at the Marketing Tech Summit 2024. In addition, the finalists will be presented in a special webinar episode of the Marketing Tech Leadership Series, which is aimed at around 800 CMOs and heads of marketing and online/digital marketing. This provides an ideal opportunity to attract future clients and supporters. Accompanying PR measures as part of the Marketing Tech Summit 2024 and increased reach through LinkedIn postings round off the benefits for the start-ups.

Mentoring, feedback & inspiration
Participating start-ups have the opportunity to receive mentoring from one of the jury members. In addition, they will receive valuable feedback from the renowned jury, which consists of top marketing decision-makers. Inspiration and exchange with other participants of the Marketing Tech Summit 2024 are also provided, which offers the chance to make valuable contacts and develop new ideas.
Read more
All about the
KI Start-up Bootcamp

Evaluation criteria 2024
- Application Scenario & Use Cases
- Degree of innovation /USP or highlight of the application or of individual elements
- Previous customer feedback (references)
- Degree of integration at data and process level
- Data protection and security & ethics
- Scalability / capability
- User friendliness / UX
- Degree of personalisation and segmentation (goal: hyper-personalisation)
- Future topics
KI Start-up Bootcamp 2025
See you soon!
Auch nächstes Jahr treffen wir uns wieder für das KI Start-up Bootcamp auf dem Marketing Tech Summit 2025 in den BOLLE Festsälen Berlin am 30. September 2025.